Effect of subclinical mastitis on milk taurine concentration in dairy cows
Emine Incilay Torunoglu and Gul Fatma Yarim
Utjecaj supkliničkog mastitisa na koncentraciju taurina u mlijeku mliječnih krava
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The role of oxidative and nitrosative stress in bovine ocular squamous cell carcinomas
Emin Karakurt, Uğur Aydın, Enver Beytut, Serpil Dağ, Özgür Aksoy, Hilmi Nuhoğlu, Uğur Yıldız and Ayfer Yıldız
Uloga oksidacijskog i nitrozativnog stresa kod skvamocelularnih karcinoma oka u goveda
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Comparative immune efficacy of recombinant penton base and fibre proteins against fowl adenovirus - 2/11 infection in chickens
Raj Narayan Trivedi, Rajesh Kumar, Mamta Metwal, Anupama Mishra and Prakash Bhatt
Usporedba imunološke učinkovitosti rekombinantne pentonske baze i vlaknastih proteina u pilića inficiranih adenovirusom peradi 2/11
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Investigation of the phylogenetic groups, pathotypes, and clonality of extended spectrum β-lactamase encoding Escherichia coli strains in the intestine of broilers during rearing periods
Fatemeh Doregiraee, Bahar Nayeri Fasaei, Masoud Alebouyeh, Saeed Charkhkar, Elahe Tajeddin and Arefeh Ghoddusi
Istraživanje filogenetskih skupina, patotipova i klonalnosti β-laktamaze proširenog spektra koja kodira sojeve Escherichia coli u crijevima tovnih pilića tijekom različitih razdoblja uzgoja
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Staphylococcus aureus in animal-derived food products: the prevalence, virulence, enterotoxin-encoding genes, antibiotic resistance and PFGE profiles in northern Turkey
Tugba Cebeci, Barış Otlu and Elif Seren Tanrıverdi
Staphylococcus aureus u prehrambenim proizvodima životinjskog podrijetla iz sjeverne Turske: prevalencija, virulencija, geni koji kodiraju enterotoksin, antibiotska rezistancija i PFGE profili
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Investigation of the effects of p-Coumaric acid on MDA, some antioxidants and histopathological parameters in nephrotoxicity induced by bisphenol A in rats
Burak Batuhan Laçin, Merve Bolat and Ali Çınar
Istraživanje učinaka p-kumarične kiseline na malondialdehid (MDA), neke antioksidanse i histopatološke pokazatelje kod nefrotoksičnosti uzrokovane bisfenolom A u štakora
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