Effect of nalbuphine or ketamine on xylazine requirements in standing sedated horses
Ahmed Sharshar, Amal Hammad1, Shaaban Gadallah, Nahed Thabet, Tarek Misk
Učinak nalbufina ili ketamina na sposobnost ksilazina da održi sedaciju konja u stojećem stavu
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10.24099/vet. arhiv.1284
Agreement of conventional microbiological and molecular identification of streptococci isolated from bovine milk
Nino Maćešić, Tihana Fumić, Sanja Duvnjak, Goran Bačić, Luka Cvetnić, Tugomir Karadjole, Marko Samardžija, Boris Habrun, Martina Lojkić, Nikica Prvanović Babić, Maša Efendić, Marija Cvetnić, Miroslav Benić
Podudarnost mikrobiološke i molekularne metode identifikacije izolata streptokoka iz kravljeg mlijeka
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- 463Kb
10.24099/vet. arhiv.1574
The effects of FASN and DGAT1 gene polymorphism on colostrum and milk fatty acid composition of Charolais cows and growth in Charolais calves
Maja Maurić Maljković, Tomislav Mašek, Marina Vranić, Kristina Starčević
Utjecaj polimorfizama gena FASN i DGAT1 na sastav masnih kiselina u kolostrumu i mlijeka krava Charolais pasmine te prirast njihove teladi
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- 502Kb
10.24099/vet. arhiv.1752
Characterization of somatic and metabolic antigens of Cysticercus cellulosae and determination of immunodominant proteins
Kaushik Satyaprakash, Wiqar Ahmed Khan, Nandkishor Namdeorao Zade, Sandeep Prabhakarrao Chaudhari, Shilpshri Vasant Shinde
Somatski i metabolički antigeni te imunodominantni proteini larvi Cysticercus cellulosae
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10.24099/vet. arhiv.1300
Plasma pharmacokinetics and dosage regimen of cefpirome sulfate in ewes
Vaidehi N. Sarvaiya, Kamlesh A. Sadariya, Shailesh K. Bhavsar, Aswin M. Thaker
Farmakokinetika u plazmi i režim doziranja cefpirom-sulfata u ovaca
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10.24099/vet. arhiv.1301
Canine circumanal gland tumors and epithelial – mesenchymal transition: an immunohistochemical study
Ivan-Conrado Šoštarić-Zuckermann, Marko Hohšteter, Branka Artuković, Miljenko Huzak, Krešimir Severin, Željko Grabarević, Andrea Gudan Kurilj
Tumori cirkumanalnih žlijezdi pasa i epitelno mezenhimska tranzicija: imunohistokemijsko istraživanje
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- 4229Kb
10.24099/vet. arhiv.1336
The use of an autologous platelet-rich fibrin (PRF) membrane for the treatment of deep corneal ulcers in dogs
Aynur Demir, Dilek O. Erdikmen, Zeynep T. Sevim, Yusuf Altundağ
Primjena autologne fibrinske membrane obogaćene trombocitima (PRF) u liječenju dubokih čireva rožnice u pasa
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10.24099/vet. arhiv.1304
The effect of intra-articular platelet-rich plasma, bio-physically activated PRP and mesenchymal stem cell administration for interleukins in dogs with osteoarthritis
Kurtuluş Parlak, Kamil Üney, Elgin Orçum Uzunlu, Mustafa Yalçin, Mustafa Arican
Učinak intraartikularne plazme obogaćene trombocitima, biofizički aktivirane autologne plazme obogaćene trombocitima (PRP-a) i primjene mezenhimnih matičnih stanica na interleukine u pasa s osteoartritisom
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- 1105Kb
10.24099/vet. arhiv.1695
Isolation of heterophils from peripheral blood in hens and analysis of heterophil functions by flow cytometry - a methodological study
Erdal Matur, Mert Erek, Ezgi Ergen, Bilge Acar Bolat, Mukaddes Özcan
Izolacija iz periferne krvi i analiza funkcija heterofila kokoši protočnom citometrijom – metodološko istraživanje
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- 1014Kb
10.24099/vet. arhiv.1407
Evaluation of different levels of Bacillus sp. (Hcyl03) phytase in broiler chickens fed maize-soyabean meal based diets with a low non-phytate phosphorus content
Rozina Sardar, Muhammad Javaid Asad, Muhammad Sheeraz Ahmad, Tanveer Ahmad, Syed Muhammad Kamal Nasir
Procjena različitih razina Bacillus sp. (HCYL03) fitaze u brojlera hranjenih obrocima na bazi kukuruza i soje s niskim udjelom nefitatnog fosfora
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- 532Kb
10.24099/vet. arhiv.1662
Cultivable microbiota of Proteus anguinus from underground habitats and animals accidently washed to the surface in Croatia
Maja Lukač, Dušan Jelić, Frank Mutschmann, Danijela Horvatek Tomić, Ivan Cizelj, Željko Gottstein, Estella Prukner-Radovčić
Aerobna mikroflora čovječjih ribica (Proteus anguinus) s prirodnih staništa i onih poplavama izbačenih na površinu u Hrvatskoj
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10.24099/vet. arhiv.1555
Similarities and differences between vibriosis in European sea bass caused by Vibrio anguillarum and Vibrio harveyi
Ivana Giovanna Zupičić, Željko Pavlinec, Tina Veić, Dražen Oraić, Snježana Zrnčić
Sličnosti i razlike vibrioze kod lubina uzrokovane bakterijama Vibrio anguillarum i Vibrio harveyi
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- 2399Kb
10.24099/vet. arhiv.1575
Detection of virulence genes and determination of the antimicrobial susceptibility of Escherichia coli isolates with mastitis in Mashhad, Iran – a short communication
Fateme Aflakian, Mehrnaz Rad, Himen Salimizand, Ali Nemati, Abolfazl Rafati Zomorodi
Geni virulencije i antimikrobna osjetljivost izolata bakterije Escherichia coli dobijenih od krava s mastitisom u pokrajini Mashhad, Iran – kratko priopćenje
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- 900Kb
10.24099/vet. arhiv.1346