The influence of sires selection index on the intramuscular fat fatty-acid profile of their progeny
Maja Maurić, Kristina Starčević, Igor Štoković, and Tomislav Mašek
Utjecaj varijacije genetskog profila bika na sastav masnih kiselina i kvalitetu mesa potomstva
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Surveillance of Mycobacterium caprae infection in a wild boar (Sus scrofa) population in south-western Hungary
Ágnes Csivincsik, Zsuzsanna Rónai, Gábor Nagy, Gergely Svéda, and Tibor Halász
Istraživanje infekcije vrstom Mycobacterium caprae u populaciji divljih svinja (Sus scrofa) u jugozapadnoj Mađarskoj
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Molecular characterization of the mitochondrial 16S rRNA gene of cattle, buffalo and yak
Deep P. Saikia, Dhruba J. Kalita, Probodh Borah, Satya Sarma, Rupam Dutta, and Deekshita Rajkhowa
Molekularna karakterizacija gena za mitohondrijsku 16S rRNA goveda, bivola i jaka
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A comparative study of two uterine torsion correction methods in parturient cows
Tao Bai, Thirumalai Diraviyam, Zhaoxiang Zhou, Zhihui Jiang, and Xiaoying Zhang
Poredbeno istraživanje dviju metoda ispravljanja torzije maternice u krava tijekom teljenja
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The influence of transportation stress on serum cortisol, thyroid hormones, and some serum biochemical parameters in Iranian cashmere (Raini) goat
Javad Tajik, Saeed Nazifi, and Reza Eshtraki
Utjecaj stresa pri prijevozu na kortizol, hormone štitnjače i neke biokemijske pokazatelje u serumu iranske kašmirske (Raini) koze
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Evaluation of healthy farm and companion rabbits as carriers of dermatophytes
Chanchal Debnath, Tanmoy Mitra, Ashok Kumar, and Indranil Samanta
Prosudba kliconoštva dermatofita u zdravih farmskih kunića i kunića kućnih ljubimaca
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A molecular and serological study of Neospora caninum infection in pigeons from southwest Iran
Somayeh Bahrami, Zahra Boroomand, Ali R. Alborzi, Mehdi Namavari, and Seyyede B. Mousavi
Molekularna i serološka istraživanja invazije vrstom Neospora caninum u golubova u jugozapadnom Iranu
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Erythromycin attenuates contractile responses of isolated urinary bladders of hyperthyroid rats
Abdullah Karaca, and Sinan Ince
Eritromicin oslabljuje kontraktilne odgovore na izoliranom mokraćnom mjehuru hipertireotičnih štakora
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Alterations of hypothalamic RF-amide related peptide-3 and Kiss1 gene expressions during spermatogenesis of rat in chronic stress conditions
Maryam Karami Kheirabad, Somayeh Ahmadloo, Bahia Namavar Jahromi, Farhad Rahmanifar, Amin Tamadon, Amin Ramezani, Maryam Owjfard, Fatemeh Sabet Sarvestani, and Omid Koohi-Hosseinabadi
Promjene u RF-amidu srodnom peptidu-3 hipotalamusa i ekspresijama gena Kiss1 tijekom spermatogeneze kod štakora u uvjetima kroničnog stresa
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Primary bilateral renal diffuse large B-cell lymphoma with central nervous system metastases in a captive brown bear (Ursus arctos) - a case report
Ana Beck, Slaven Reljić, Ivan-Conrado Šoštarić-Zuckermann, Marcin Wrzosek, and Doroteja Huber
Primarni obostrani difuzni B-velikostanični limfom bubrega s metastazama u središnjem živčanom sustavu u smeđe medvjedice (Ursus arctos) držane u zatočeništvu - prikaz slučaja
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