Equine leptospirosis in Croatia - occurrence of subclinical infections and abortions
Nenad Turk, Zoran Milas, Josipa Habuš, Zrinka Štritof Majetić, Vesna Mojčec Perko, Ljubo Barbić, Vladimir Stevanović, Matko Perharić, and Vilim Starešina
Leptospiroza konja u Hrvatskoj - supkliničke infekcije i pobačaji

Some slaughter and meat traits of lambs and kids from an extensive production system
Boro Mioč, Valentino Držaić, Ivan Vnučec, Zvonimir Prpić, Zvonko Antunović, and Zdravko Barać
Neki klaonički pokazatelji i mesne odlike janjadi i jaradi u ekstenzivnom sustavu uzgoja

Emergence of ivermectin resistance in gastrointestinal nematodes of goats in a semi-organized farm of Mathura district - India
Amit Kumar Jaiswal, Vikrant Sudan, Daya Shanker, and Pradeep Kumar
Pojavnost otpornosti želučano-crijevnih oblića koza na ivermektin u uzgajalištima na području Mathura u Indiji

New sublinguiform vulvar flap of Haemonchus species in naturally infected domestic ruminants in Béja Abattoir, North Tunisia
Hafidh Akkari, Mohamed Gharbi, Sofia Awadi, Aziz Darghouth Mohamed, and Bersissa Kumsa
Novi sublingviformni vulvarni zalistak oblića Haemonchus sp. u prirodno invadiranih domaćih preživača zaklanih u klaonici Béja u sjevernom Tunisu

A report on biochemical changes in the cerebrospinal fluid of Zebu cattle experimentally infected with Clostridium chauvoei
Nicodemus M. Useh, Andrew J. Nok, Najume Ibrahim, and King A. N. Esievo
Nove spoznaje o biokemijskim promjenama u cerebrospinalnoj tekućini Zebu goveda pokusno zaraženih bakterijom Clostridium chauvoei

Acute phase response in experimentally Escherichia coli serotype O55:B5 induced endotoxemia and its comparative treatment with dexamethasone and flunixin meglumine in Iranian fat-tailed sheep
Aliasghar Chalmeh, Khalil Badiei, Mehrdad Pourjafar, and Saeed Nazifi
Odgovor akutne faze kod endotoksemije pokusno izazvane serovarom O55:B5 bakterije Escherichia coli i njezino liječenje deksametazonom i fluniksin megluminom u iranske masnorepe ovce

The morphology of placentomes and formation of chorionic villous trees in West African Dwarf goats (Capra hircus)
Udensi M. Igwebuike, and Daniel N. Ezeasor
Morfologija placentoma i tvorba stabla korionskih resica u zapadnoafričkih patuljastih koza (Capra hircus)

A study of Edwardsiella tarda colonizing live Asian clam, Corbicula fluminea, from Pasir Mas, Kelantan, Malaysia with the emphasis on its antibiogram, heavy metal tolerance and genetic diversity
Lee Seong Wei, Wendy Wee, Zalina Che Manan, Md Ruhul Amin, and Sukree Hajisamae
Proširenost bakterije Edwardsiella tarda u azijske školjke Corbicula fluminea na području Pasir Mas, Kelantan u Maleziji s naglaskom na antibiogram, podnošljivost na teške metale i genetsku raznolikost