Year: 2009, Volume: 79, Number: 4


A retrospective longitudinal cohort study of Johne’s disease prevalence in a dairy herd

Bačić Goran, Korana Stipetić, Ynte Hein Schukken, Chuck Guard, Gerdiene Van Schaik, and Hollis Nancy Erb

Povijesno kohortno istraživanje prevalencije paratuberkuloze u stadu mliječnih krava


Phenotypic characteristics and heritability of m. longissimus dorsi chemical composition in Croatian Simmental bulls

Igor Štoković, Ivo Karadjole, Dubravka Križanović, Pero Božić, and Anamaria Ekert Kabalin

Fenotipske značajke i heritabilitet kemijskoga sastava m. longissimus dorsi simentalske junadi u Hrvatskojpoint


Dot-blot enzyme immunoassay for the detection of bovine viral diarrhea virus antibodies

Farhid Hemmatzadeh, and Farhad Amini

Dot-blot imunoenzimni test za dokaz protutijela za virus virusnoga proljeva goveda


Evaluation of glutaraldehyde test and amount of rumen content chlorine in cases of vagal indigestion (Hoflfl und syndrome) due to reticuloperitonitis traumatica

Yusuf Gul, and Mustafa Issi

Vrednovanje glutaraldehidnog testa i količine klora u buražnom sadržaju u slučajevima vagusne indigestije (Hoflfl undova sindroma) uzrokovane traumatskim retikuloperitonitisom


Genetic characterization of porcine circovirus type 2 isolated from different pig-farms in Croatia

Nevenka Rudan, Charlotte Kristiane Hjulsager, Kitt Dupont, Branko Bačanek, Evica Marković, and Josip Madić

Genotipizacija svinjskoga cirkovirusa tipa 2 izdvojenoga s različitih farmi u Hrvatskoj


Salmonella Typhimurium infection in diarrhoeic and non-diarrhoiec dogs in Ibadan, Nigeria

Olufemi Ernest Ojo, and Adeyemi Igbekele Adetosoye

Infekcija serovarom Salmonella Typhimurium u pasa s proljevom i bez proljeva u Ibadanu u Nigeriji


Observations on the morphology of the uterus of the porcupine (Hystrix cristata)

Dervis Ozdemir, and Omer Atalar

Morfologija maternice dikobraza (Hystrix cristata)


The effect of chloramphenicol on hepatic biotransformation enzyme activity and on the duration of pentobarbital or ketamine/xylazine anesthesia in guinea pigs (Cavia porcellus)

Andreja Prevendar Crnić, Jelena Pompe-Gotal, Frane Božić, Jelena Šuran, Romel Velev, and Darko Sakar

Učinak kloramfenikola na aktivnost biotransformacijskih enzima jetre i na trajanje anestezije nakon primjene pentobarbitala te kombinacije ketamina i ksilazina u zamorčića (Cavia porcellus)


Economic aspects of beekeeping production in Croatia

Denis Cvitković, Zoran Grgić, Željka Matašin, Marina Pavlak, Janja Filipi, and Ivana Tlak Gajger

Gospodarstvena obilježja pčelarske proizvodnje u Hrvatskoj


Comparison of some haematological parameters between three bird species from the Columbidae family - short communicationtion

Lubomir Lashev, Huben Hubenov, Yordan Nikolov, Valentina Lasheva, and Radoslav Mihailov

Usporedba određenih hematoloških pokazatelja među trima vrstama porodice Columbidae


A study on the birth of heterosexual river buffalo quadruplets - a case report

Veluchamy Ramesh Saravana Kumar, Nagarajan Murali, Seetharaman Selvam, Gabriel Pitchai Richard Jagatheesan, Jeganathan Muralidharan, Santhan Panneerselvam, and Muthusamy Natarajan

Prikaz heteroseksualnih četvorki u azijskoga vodenoga bivola


Balanced anesthesia in the Capuchin monkey (Cebus capucinus) - a case report

Dražen Vnuk, Andrija Musulin, Mario Kreszinger, Marko Pećin, Ingeborg Bata, Damir Žubčić, and Nikša Lemo

Balansirana anestezija u majmuna kapucina (Cebus capucinus) - prikaz slučaja
