Blood groups and haematology in Istrian pointers
Damjan Gračner, Ljiljana Bedrica, Čedomir Labura, Dražen Matičić Gordana Gregurić Gračner, and Marko Samardžija
Krvne grupe i hematološki parametri u istarskih goniča

Histopathological changes in stomachs of dogs with naturally acquired Helicobacter infection
Mirna Robić, Branka Artuković, Ana Beck, Andrea Gudan, Ante Svetina, and Željko Grabarević
Patohistološke promjene u želucu pasa prirodno inficiranih vrstama roda Helicobacter

Experimental coccidiosis provoked by Eimeria adenoeides in turkey poults given ochratoxin A
Vencislav Koynarsky, Stoycho D. Stoev, Nely Grozeva, and Teodora Mirtcheva
Pokusna kokcidioza uzrokovana vrstom Eimeria adenoeides u purića koji su dobivali ohratoksin A

Effect of Toxiroak® polyherbal feed supplement during induced aflatoxicosis, ochratoxicosis and combined mycotoxicoses in broilers
Pramodkumar Shriram Sakhare, Shrikrishna Digambar Harne, Dewanand Rajaram Kalorey, Shubhangi Rambhau Warke, Arun Govindrao Bhandarkar, and Nitin Vasantrao Kurkure
Učinak višebiljnoga pripravka Toxiroak® dodanoga hrani u tijeku izazvane aflatoksikoze, ohratoksikoze i kombiniranih mikotoksikoza u tovnih pilića

Immunoprophylaxis of rabbits against Rhipicephalus haemaphysaloides ticks using immunoaffinity purified 35 kDa midgut antigen
Kaveri Theerthagiri Kavitha, Bhaskaran Ravi Latha2, Gopal Dhinakar Raj3, and Lalitha John
Imunoprofilaksa kunića protiv krpelja Rhipicephalus haemaphysaloides uporabom pročišćenoga antigena srednjega crijeva od 35 kDa

Characterization of leptospiral isolates using random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) fingerprinting
Isam El Jalii, and Abdul Rani Bahaman
Karakterizacija izolata leptospira postupkom otiska nasumce umnožene polimorfne DNA

Clinico-pathological, histochemical and therapeutic studies on concurrent sarcoptic and notoedric acariosis in rabbits (Oryctolagus cuniculus)
Mohammed Maqbool Darzi, Masood Saleem Mir, Rafiq Ahmed Shahardar, and Basharat Ahmed Pandit
Kliničko-patološka, histokemijska i terapijska istraživanja šuge kunića (Oryctolagus cuniculus) uzrokovane šugarcima roda Sarcoptes i Notoedres

Follicular dynamics in Rathi (Bos indicus) cattle
Mitesh Gaur, and Govind Narayan Purohit
Folikularna dinamika u Rathi (Bos indicus) krava