Computed tomographic analysis of the cranial cavity and neurocranium in the German shepherd dog (Alsatian) puppies
Vedat Onar, K. Oya Kahvecioglu and Vedat Cebi
Kompjuterizirana tomografska analiza lubanjske šupljine i neurokranijuma štenadi pasmine njemački (alzaški) ovčar
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Clinical feline toxoplasmosis: parasitological, haematological and serological findings in retroviral infected and uninfected cats
E. A. Okewole and M. O. Akpan
Klinička toksoplazmoza mačaka: parazitološki, hematološki i serološki nalazi u neinficiranih i virusom inficiranih mačaka
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Concurrent outbreak of infectiouos bursal disease (IBD), aflatoxicosis and secondary microbial infection in broiler chicks
Arvind Mahajan, Ramesh Chand Katoch, Rajesh Chahota, Subhash Verma and Simmi Manuja
Istodobna pojava zarazne bolesti Fabricijeve burze, aflatoksikoze i sekundarnih infekcija u tovnih pilića
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