Doubtful and discordant results in fluorescent antibody test for rabies diagnosing
Peter Hostnik , Marjeta Štrancar, Darja Barlič-Maganja, and Jože Grom
Sumnjivi i nepodudarni rezultati u dijagnostici bjesnoće testom imuno-fluorescencije.
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Application of the hazard analysis of critical control points (HACCP) concept in the control of the micro-biological quality of meals and cleanliness in restaurants scale.
Branimir Mioković, Bela Njari, Lidija Kozačinski, and Željka Cvrtila
Primjena HACCP-koncepcije nadzora mikrobiološke kakvoće gotovih jela i čistoće radnih površina u restauracijama.
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The effects of epidermal growth factor deficiency on rat gingival epithelia
Muzaffer Aydýn Ketaný , Ahmet Dað, Ali Ýhsan Zengýngül, Hüseyin Büyükbayram4, and Davut Özba&et
Učinak nedostatka epidermalnog faktora rasta na gingivalni epitel štakora.
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