Retrospective dog rabies vaccination evaluation at the University of Ibadan, Nigeria (1988-1992)
Isaac Adeyemi and Karl Zessin
Pregled vrednovanja cijepljenja pasa protiv bjesnoće (1988.-1992.) na Sveučilištu u Ibadanu u Nigeriji.
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Application of antigen-detection enzyme immunoassay for the diagnosis of porcine Trypanosoma brucei infection
Ajibola Ogunsanmi, Victor Taiwo, and Godspower Ohore
Primjena imunoenzimnog testa za dijagnosticiranje zaraze svinja pra`ivotinjom Trypanosoma brucei.
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Morphological studies on natural ascites syndrome in broiler chickens
Azizollah Khodakaram Tafti* and Mohammad Reza Karima
Morfolo{ka istra`ivanja sindroma prirodnog ascitesa u tovnih pili}a.
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Correlation of physiological plasma lipid levels with resistance of cattle to trypanosomosis
Ajibola Ogunsanmi, Victor Taiwo, Bukola Onawumi, Herbert Mbagwu, and Charles Okoronkwo
Odnos razine fiziolo{kih lipida plazme i otpornosti goveda na tripanosomijazu.
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