A histopathological study of carp (Labeo rohita) exposed to hexachlorocyclohexane
Basanta Kumar Das and Subhas Chandra Mukherjee
Histopatolo{ko istra`ivanje {arana (Labeo rohita) izlo`enog heksaklorcikloheksanu.
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Effects of different temperatures and mineral salt on pellets of Monacrosporium thaumasium - a nematode-trapping fungus
Jackson Victor de Araújo, Weverton Marcos Sampaio, Ricardo Sousa Vasconcellos, and Arthur Kanadani
U~inci razli~itih temperatura i mineralnih soli na pelete Monacrosporium thaumasium - gljivice koja napada obli}e.
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Macro-anatomical investigations on skeletons of otter (Lutra lutra). III. Skeleton axiale
Sadik Yilmaz, Gürsel Dinç, and Burhan Toprak
Makroanatomska istra`ivanja kostura vidre (Lutra lutra). III. Osovinski kostur.
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Drug residues in broiler chickens fed with antibiotics in ration
Abdulsalam Bakhsh Alhendi, Abd-Algadir Musa Homeida, and El-Sammani Gaili
Rezidue lijekova u tovnih pili}a koji su u obrocima primali antibiotike.
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