Some antidotes and paraclinical investigations in experimental intoxication with ochratoxin A and penicillic acid in chicks.
S. Stoev, G. Anguelov, D. Pavlov, Lj. Pirovski
Istrazivanje nekih antidota i laboratorijskih pokazatelja pri pokusnom otrovanju pilica ohratoksinom A i penicilinskom kiselinom
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Isolation of bacteria during processing of chicken carcasses for the market in Lusaka, Zambia.
B. M. Hang'ombe, N. R. Sharma, E. Skjerve, L. M. Tuchili
Izolacija bakterija tijekom klaonicke obrade pilica za trziste u Lusaki u Zambiji
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Effect of probiotic on production results of fattened chickens fed different quantities of protein.
Z. Mikulec, V. Serman, N. Mas, Z. Lukac
Ucinak probiotika na proizvodne rezultate pilica u tovu hranjenih razlicitim kolicinama bjelancevina u obroku
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Contribution to standardisation of heart rate and electrocardiographic values in Doberman pinschers.
A. Kovacevic, M. Duras, T. Gomercic
Prilog standardizaciji vrijednosti frekvencije rada srca i elektrokardiografskih vrijednosti u dobermana
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Biochemical and cytologic properties of blood and peritoneal fluid in clinically normal adult goats.
S. Nazifi, S. Dehghani, H. R. Gheisari
Biokemijske i citoloske osobitosti krvi i peritonealne tekucine u klinicki zdravih odraslih koza
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