Spajanje na eduroam:

Na bežičnu mrežu eduroam, možete se spojiti na sljedeći način:
		posjetite stranicu:
		odaberite tipku Preuzimanje postavki
		upišite svoj AAI identitet
		odaberite plavu tipku eduroam
		pokrenut će se preuzimanje instalacijskog programa
Ako posjedujete Android telefon, prethodno trebate instalirati aplikaciju Cat eduroam Ako posjedujete iPhone, nakon preuzimanja postavki potrebno ih je aktivirati u Postavke - sigurnost VPN - profil Koristite li MacOS postavke se nalaze u izborniku Settings - General - Device Management - Security and VPN - Profiles.

How to connect to eduroam:

The procedure to connect laptop or cell phone to the network is as following:
		visit the page: 
		press blue button Click here 
		in, newly opened search box, type ‘vet’
		choose ‘University of Zagreb, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine’
		choose blue button Dowload your eduroam installer
If you are using Android mobile phone, you have to install Cat Eduroam app, using Google PlayStore. In case of iPhone, after profile download you have to activate it in Settings - General Security and VPN - Profiles. On MacOS activate it in Settings - General - Device Management - Security and VPN - Profiles.