V.: Appliance of DEXA osteodensitometry method for
small animals in measuring mineral density of the humerus
of bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus). Diploma Thesis. Faculty of Veterinary
Medicine. Zagreb, 2008
previous research of mineral density dolphin bones are described based only on
results given on example of DEXA method for measuring human verthebral
column, and there were no any measuring with different methods till now.
Mineral bone density as a characteristic of bone system at dolphins can be
related with different parts of morphology and physiology, pathology,
diagnostic and treatment, and with line of biology characteristic as an age and
sex of animal. This
research is applicated on humerus bone of right pectoral fin of 24 bottlenose
dolphins (11 male and 13 female). Bone preparation are
analysed using osteodenzitometry
device Hologic QDR-4000 with method for measuring and
analyze mineral density of small animals. Main goal of research is to affirm
possibility of appliance above mentioned method in measuring dolphin bone
mineral density, and describe differences in applying this method and
interpretation of given results comparing previose
researches. It is confirmed that method for measuring mineral density small
animals can be seccessfully applyed
on dolphins, but the amount of measured results content of mineral and mineral
bone density is lower rate than usin the human
method. It is also confirmed that protocol of measuring between mentioned methods
is not different, and that simulation of soft tissue can be applied with lexan-board. Statistic analysis of given results is shown
that statistic results given with linear corelation
parameter mineral density dolphins humerus and total
body length and dolphin age match statistic values given with different methods
of measuring, in spite of smaller animal sample used in this research. In
female group of bottlenose dolphins it is seen value decreasse
of mineral bone density of older unit what is in smaller animal sample has
significantly effect on a statistic valuation given linear corelation
tested characters. Based on this research, we can presume that in bones of
female bottlenose dolphins during aging have similar processes described at