Ingrid Poldan: Analysis of public opinion about
dolphins in
subject matter of this essey is the analysed data of public opinion about
dolphins. This data were taken from inhabitants of the island Rab and the city
of Zagreb. Used method for gathering data was quastionnaire from 103 person. The purpose of this essey was to estimate
acquaintence with the facts about dolphins in the Adriatic Sea by the
inhabitants of the Republic of Croatia, taking into consideration that Republic
of Croatia is obliged with Covention of Conservation of European Wildlife and
Natural Habitats to encourage education and to spread informations about
necessity to preserve wild species of fauna, in this case, dolphins. Dolphins
are residents of the Adriatic Sea, confirmed 97 (94,17%)
polled person. The size of dolphins population was
estimated in range from four to 12,000 individuals. The number of dolphins in
the Adriatic Sea is in decreasing, consider 60 (58,25%)
polled person. More tourists would visit the Adriatic Sea, if they knew about
the presence of the dolphins in this area, according to 68 (66,02%) polled person. All polled tourists employee from the
island Rab (N=5) declared they would use the presence of dolphins in ihe
Adriatic Sea to advertise their own tourist activity. Dolphins are, according
to the law, protected, answered 45 (43,69%) polled
person. Of 20 polled person younger or in age of 18, three (15%) knew that
dolphins are protected by law. Interest for additional informations about dolphins,
showed 87 (84,47%) polled person. In year 2000 five
(29,41% "fishermen'') fishermen stated that their
fishnets were damaged by dolphins. Only one polled fisherman (5,88% "fishermen") knew that the