Ivona Jagar: Determinaton of sexual dimorphism on
rudiments of pelvic bones in bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) from
The rudiments of pelvic bones from 53 bottlenose
dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) from the Adriatic Sea had been measured in
10 maesurments. In 8 measurments the difference between males and females is
statisticly significant. The difference in the lenght of the pelvic bones
(females 9,07 cm ± 1,32 cm, males 9,99 cm ± 1,61 cm) is not significant but there
is a difference in width of crest (females 0,58 cm ± 0,25 cm, males 1,07 cm ±
0,34 cm). In general the males have rubust pelvic bones then females. Rudiment of pelvic bones from bottlenose dolphin showes sexual
dimorphism even in very young animals.