Divkovic, A.: Size of bottlenose
dolphin (Tursiops truncatus) tail flukes from
the Adriatic Sea. Diploma Thesis. Faculty of Veterinary Medicine. Zagreb, 2005.
meaning of this review was to estimate size of bottlenose dolphin tail flukes (Tursiops
truncatus) from the Adriatic
Sea in correlation with
body mass, age and total body length. In 67 bottlenose dolphins' general
measurements, body mass, total body length, total spread and width of tail
flukes, were measured. Age was estimated by GLG. Sex was determined by
adspection. Average spread of tail flukes was 57,77 cm, in range from 22,00 cm
to 81,00 cm. Average width of tail flukes was 15,90 cm, in rage from 8,50 cm to
23,50 cm. Tail flukes spread has a higher correlation factor with total body
length (R~=0,8212) than with body mass (R"=0,7247). Spread of tail flukes
can be estimated using equations: tail flukes spread in centimeters = 14,951 x
e0'0053 *lolal body Ienglh
in cm (correlation factor R2=0,8212) and tail
flukes spread in cm = 0,1579 x body mass in kg + 30,207 (correlation factor
R"=0,7274). If the sex of the dolphin is known, more precise results can
be gain using equations: tail flukes spread in cm = 0,2663 x total body length
in cm - 8,5152 (correlation factor R =0,8227) for males and tail flukes spread
in cm = 0,14871 x e0'0053 *lolal body
lenglh in cm (uz R2=0,8393) for
females. Total body length can be estimated, if tail flukes spread is measured,
using equations: total body length in cm = 3,2168 xtail flukes spread in cm +
60,303 (correlation factor R =0,8132) if the sex of the dolphin is not known,
or total body length in cm = 3,0895 x tail flukes spread in cm + 69,627
(correlation factor R =0,8227) for males and total body length in cm = 3,2907 x
tail flukes spread in cm + 54,685 (correlation factor R"=0,8051) for
females. Correlation factors for dolpins age and tail flukes spread are
R"=0,6963 for males and R"=0,7291 for females. Tail flukes width has
a higher correlation factor with total body length (R"=0,8531) then with
body mass (R =0,7895). If total body length is measured, tail flukes width can
be estimated usin equations: tail flukes width in cm = 6,1625 x e0'0039
*lolal body lenglh in cm
(correlation factor R =0,8531) if the sex of a dolphin is not known, or tail
flukes width in cm = 0,0565 x total body length in cm + 2,7885 (correlation
factor R"=0,8451) for males and tail flukes width in cm = 5,9902 x e0'004
x lolal body Ienglh in cm
(correlation factor R2=0,8678) for females. Total body length can be
estimated using equations: total body length in cm = 14,401 x tail flukes width
in cm + 7,3076 (correlation factor R2=0,8243), or total body length
in cm = 14,966 x tail flukes width in cm - 3,8847 (correlation factor R2=0,8451)
for males and total body length in cm = 14,181 x tail flukes width in cm +
12,248 (correlation factor R2=0,807) for females. If body mass is
measured, tail flukes width can be estimated using equations: tail flukes width
in cm = 0,0369 x body mass in kg + 10,182 (correlation factor R2=0,7895),
or: tail flukes width in cm = 0,0331 x body mass in kg + 10,978 (correlation
factor R =0,7625) for males and tail flukes width in cm = 10,018 x e W^xMy
™ss'""«(uz r2=o?8405)
for females. Body mass can be estimated if tail flukes width is measured
using equations: body mass in kg = 21,421 xtail flukes width in cm - 185,26
(correlation factor R"=0,7895) if the sex is not known, or body mass in kg
= 5,2938 x e °'198 *lail nukes width
in cm (correlation factor R2=0,8022) for males
and body mass in kg = 20,352 x tail flukes width in cm - 168,12 (correlation
factor R"=0,8I26) for females. Correlation factor for dolphins age and
tail flukes width is R =0,6773. This research shows that tail flukes spread and
width of bottlenose dolphin from Adriatic Sea has a higher correlation factor
with total body length then with body weight, whereas correlations with age are
not statistically relevant. Average tail flukes spread was 23,034% of total
body length for all dolphins, but tail flukes width was for 1% higher for
dolphins under 200 cm total body length (in range from 7% to 8% total body
length) then for dolphins over 200 cm total body length (in range from 6% to 7%).