The journal Veterinarski arhiv (Vet. arhiv) publishes...
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The journal Veterinarski arhiv (Vet. arhiv) publishes original scientific papers, case reports, short communications, review papers and book reviews. Occasionally, in supplemental issues, it publishes papers of relevant conferences. The scope of the journal includes all fields of veterinary and animal sciences. Veterinarski arhiv is published by the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine University of Zagreb, six times a year, as an open access, peer-reviewed, international scientific journal. Only unpublished manuscripts may be accepted for the review process. All papers must be written in English and submitted via the Journal's online submission system (COMET). The content of the Journal is available free of charge and there are no publication charges. Abstracts/Contents are indexed in Science Citation Index Expanded (SciSearch™), Journal Citation Reports/Science Edition, SCOPUS, Zoological Record, Biological Abstracts, BIOSIS Previews, CAB Abstracts (Index Veterinarius, Veterinary Bulletin), FISHLIT.

Year: 2024, Volume: 94, Number: 5


Reproductive performance improvement following the implementation of a modified Double-Ovsynch protocol compared to G6G in lactating Holstein cows

Hesam Kohsari, Khatereh Berenjian and Sohrab Heydarian

Poboljšanje reproduktivne sposobnosti nakon primjene modificiranog protokola Double-Ovsynch u usporedbi s protokolom G6G u holštajnskih krava u laktaciji


Development and validation of an insulated isothermal PCR assay for the rapid detection of Pasteurella multocida

Falong Yang, Benrun Li, Linxiang Zheng, Yueyan Zeng and Huanrong Zhang

Razvoj i validacija PCR testa za brzo otkrivanje i izolaciju bakterije Pasteurella multocida


Biofilm-forming ability and virulence factor detection in Enterococcus hirae strains of canine origin

Eva Bino, Ivana Kubašová, Viola Strompfová and Andrea Lauková

Sposobnost stvaranja biofilma i čimbenici virulencije kod sojeva bakterije Enterococcus hirae podrijetlom od pasa


First molecular detection and characterization of fowl adenovirus in commercial broilers in Serbia

Ljiljana Spalević, Vesna Milićević, Branislav Kureljušić, Dimitrije Glišić, Dragica Vojinović, Ljubiša Veljović and Jelena Maletić

Prva molekularna detekcija i karakterizacija adenovirusa peradi u komercijalnih brojlera u Srbiji


Heavy metal concentrations in fish pond water after application of EM-1® effective microorganisms

Ivana Sabolek, Damir Pavliček, Tiana Novosel, Anamaria Ekert Kabalin, Albert Trstenjak, Ivana Tlak Gajger, Željko Pavičić, Kristina Matković, Antea Klobučar and Mario Ostović

Koncentracije teških metala u vodi ribnjaka nakon primjene efektivnih mikroorganizama EM-1®


Molecular detection and phylogenetic analysis of Sacbrood virus in the Republic of Türkiye

Aykut Zerek, Murat Şevik, İpek Erdem and Mehmet Yaman

Molekularna detekcija i filogenetska analiza virusa Sacbrood u Turskoj


The updated prevalence of Coxiella burnetii in Central and Eastern European dairy herds – a short communication

Attila Dobos, Mislav Kovacic, Goran Jakovljevic and Marko Samardzija

Novije spoznaje o prevalenciji Coxiella burnetii u mliječnim stadima srednje i istočne Europe - kratko priopćenje

